
The MA Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence takes a holistic approach to ending gun violence, centering our advocacy around addressing access to guns, the root causes of violence, and improving the well-being of young people. Check back soon to see our updated priorities for the 2023-2024 legislative session!
See our most recent Action Alerts to find out what you can do to help end gun violence.
Access to firearms

Massachusetts has a robust set of regulations regarding who may own and carry a firearm, but there are still too many lives lost to gun violence each year. While access to a gun is not the only driver of gun violence, we still must address the proliferation of firearms and the role they play in gun violence.
H.2437 /S.1562 - An Act relative to crime gun data reporting and analysis - Sponsors: Rep. Decker, Sen. Creem
Requires the analysis of data collected on guns recovered in connection with a crime to better understand their origins, measure the efficacy of existing policies, and prevent future gun violence.

Juvenile justice reform

Involvement with the criminal and juvenile justice system fuels the conditions that lead to gun violence: poverty, lack of opportunity, and trauma. We are focused on legislation that keeps youth out of the juvenile justice system and provides more supportive services to those that are involved in the juvenile justice system. An investment in young people is an investment in violence prevention.
H.1826/S.920 - Raise The Age - Sponsors: Reps. O’Day + Khan, Sen. Boncore
Gradually raises the age at which a young person is considered a juvenile in the eyes of the criminal justice system to include 18-20 year olds, allowing them access to more supportive services that reduce recidivism and promote positive reentry into their communities.
H.1531/S.980 - Expungement - Sponsors: Reps. Khan + Decker, Sen Creem
Expands eligibility for individuals to have juvenile offenses on their record expunged or cleared, removing barriers to housing, education, and employment.
H.1569/S.984 - Juvenile diversion - Sponsors: Rep. Fluker-Oakley, Sen. Creem
Expands judicial diversion by giving judges authority to divert more cases, keeping a greater number of young people out of the juvenile justice system.

Trauma & gun violence

Addressing trauma and other mental health issues for survivors of gun violence and their communities is a vital part of ending the cycle of gun violence.
H.4164 - An act expanding access to trauma informed care and mental health first aid training - Sponsor: Rep. Miranda
Expands access to trauma-informed care and mental health first aid training in the Commonwealth.
H.2519/S.1552 - An Act to Create Alternatives for Community Emergency Services (ACES) - Sponsor: Rep. Sabadosa, Sen. Chang-Diaz
Establishes a pilot program for a non-law-enforcement response to mental health crises, to be implemented in and designed by communities that are overpoliced.
H.3954 - An Act providing for a universal basic income for youth aging out of foster care - Sponsor: Rep. Miranda
Establishes a pilot program to provide financial support for young adults aging out of foster care, setting them up for future success.
Bills we endorse

Gun violence is a complex, multi-faceted problem that requires multi-faceted solutions. We support a variety of bills that address gun violence in different ways. Learn more from our partner organizations linked with each bill.
HD.4192/SD.2588 - An Act to stop mass shootings - Sponsors: Rep. Moran & Decker, and Sen. Creem
See more at our partner Stop Handgun Violence's website