
We educate legislators, decision-makers, and the general public about the complexities of gun violence -centering research, data, and community-based solutions. The goal of this education is to promote an understanding of root causes and how gun violence intersects with other complex public health and safety issues.
Our public education tools include: screenings and panel discussions of the Emmy-nominated documentary film This Ain't Normal with Kreateabuzz Films, trainings about the different forms of gun violence and ways that people can advocate for change, webinars and lunch & learns, and comprehensive fact sheets. You can also view our quarterly meetings with relevant updates here.
Learn more about gun violence in Massachusetts and its root causes below.
Watch a Webinar
Request a training
These trainings are adaptable for all ages. Get in touch to learn more.
Intro to the Coalition
This training is designed to introduce individuals to the work of the Coalition, our core values and our legislative priorities.
Areas of focus for this training include our unique leadership structure, centering individuals who identify as survivors, frontline workers, activists, advocates, and community members who are taking a stand against gun violence. We also customize this training for particular populations, such as health care providers, youth workers, or faith communities.
Advocacy 101
This training is designed to train youth and adults in advocacy skills that can be used for state, municipal, or very local advocacy. The module addresses issues ranging from general empowerment to specific action outreach models, such as direct outreach to legislators and utilizing research.
The central focus of the Advocacy 101 training is to empower MA residents to build advocacy skills to promote policy change that targets access to guns, the proliferation of firearms, and root causes of gun violence. Through Advocacy 101, we enhance and expand the network of activists, future policymakers, and leaders striving to improve our Commonwealth.
Gun Violence in the US and Massachusetts
This training addresses the specific ways that the United States and its citizens experience gun violence nationally and at the local level in MA. The issues addressed in this training range from firearm suicide to domestic violence, community-based violence, police-involved shootings, homicide and unintentional firearm injuries.
This training reviews current data surrounding the impact of gun violence, and specifically focuses on its impact on youth and BIPOC communities.
Community-Based Violence
This training addresses the day to day gun violence that is happening in our communities and also discusses police shootings as its own category of gun violence. The module explores root causes of community-based gun violence such as racial and economic disparities, inequitable policies, and chronic disinvestment in the communities most impacted. The discussion also touches on the prevalence of police shootings related to mental health crisis calls.
Through this training, we ground ourselves on gun violence in Massachusetts and how that compares to what is happening nationally. We explore how systems and policies have caused harm in our communities here in MA, and outline our work on systems change, with an emphasis on juvenile justice reform. We close this training by describing a path forward to reimagining public safety and reinvestment in community-based solutions as well as the communities most impacted.
Guns and Domestic Violence
This training is designed to educate individuals about the deadly intersection of easy access to guns and domestic violence. The issues addressed range from the ways guns show up in domestic violence situations to the demographic disparities amongst those most impacted by this type of gun violence. The training also addresses the connection between domestic violence and mass shootings, as well as how domestic violence can fuel shootings that happen in the community.
The session explores the ways that systems have further perpetuated this type of violence, current protections for survivors, and policy solutions that can keep survivors safer. We close this training by describing a path forward to reimagining safe relationships and the best ways to support those impacted.
Download a Fact Sheet
(Coming soon!)
Learn more about the root causes of gun violence and how gun violence intersects with key issues. Each link will include a longer fact sheet and a visual one pager.