The events of recent weeks have shown us just how important it is to stem the flow of guns into our communities. The crime gun data analysis bill would help us understand how guns are getting onto the streets of Massachusetts, allowing us to fix the gaps in our existing gun laws.
We need you to contact the House and Senate Chairs of Ways & Means today to help move this bill forward. Here's how you can help:
Call or send an email to Chair Michlewitz and Chair Rodrigues to urge them to support this bill. Sample language included below, but feel free to personalize the email as you see fit.
Chair Michlewitz contact info:
(617) 722-2990
Chair Rodrigues contact info:
(617) 722-1114
Dear [insert correct title and name],
I am writing to you today to urge you to move H.2437/S.1562, An Act relative to crime gun data reporting and analysis forward. The recent tragedies across the country have shown us that the time is now to take action to prevent more gun violence.
This bill would require data that is already collected to be analyzed to understand how guns are getting into our communities. This will allow us to identify any gaps in our existing gun laws, and ensure that MA remains the leader in evidence-based gun violence prevention.
Thank you for your time.
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